
Thursday, October 18, 2012

OECD Issues Reports on Country Initiatives To Stimulate Employment of Older Workers Since 2005

In a series of country notes, the OECD has evaluated the impact of recent policy reforms and measures to boost job opportunities for older workers in 21 countries which participated in the OECD 2003-05 review of ageing and employment policies. According to the OECD:
The data show a steady increase over the past decade of the employment rate of people aged over 50 in the OECD area, from 55.6% of 50-64 year-olds in 2001 to 61.2% at the end of 2011. At the same time, the effective age at which people retire has increased slightly: for men, from 63.1 in 2001 to 63.9 in 2011 and for women, 61.1 in 2001 to 62.8 in 2011. The data also reveal a striking difference in 2011 between countries in the share of people aged over 60 still working: from 63.4% in Sweden to 14.2% in Hungary (see data for countries below).
In 2006, OECD issued its report "Live Longer, Work Longer" in which it recommended steps to:
  • Strengthen financial incentives to carry on working and reducing incentives to retire early;
  • Tackle employment barriers on the side of employers, such as increasing awareness of anti-age discrimination laws; and
  • Improve the employability of older workers, such as boosting the incentives for job centres to place older unemployed job seekers in work.
More detailed analysis will become available in a chapter of the 2013 Employment Outlook in June 2013. In addition to the 21 country reports linked below, OECD issued a scorecard on older workers  in 34 OECD countries.

Source: OECD Ageing and Employment Policies (October 17, 2012)

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