In the context of increasing employment rates to meet European 2020 targets, the 2012 Year on Active Ageing and the Healthy and Active Ageing Pilot Partnership, the Council of Ministers has issued
Council Conclusion on the effects of demographic changes on the workforce and employment policies. The Conclusions note that higher participation of older workers in employment requires a multidimensional and integrated approach. In addition, they highlight several aspects of the aging workforce and offer suggestions for member states to follow up on.
Among other things, it is important to tackle age discrimination regarding employment and occupation, given that ageism is an important exclusion factor for older workers on labor markets. At the same time, investments should be made in life-long learning initiatives, adapted to labor market needs. In this regard, the Council invited member Ssates to fight stereotyping of older people and older workers by developing effective communication schemes and raising awareness about the issue.
The Council also focused on safety issues, nothing the role of job quality to address the physical and mental impact of work, taking into account the need to reconcile work, family and private life, and the anticipation of changes that occur with age. Thus, the aging workforce and rising retirement age highlight the need for adequate occupational health and safety measures for all workers, as well as the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles,
In addition, the Council invited member states and stakeholders are invited to participate actively in the 2012 Year to Promote Active Ageing and solidarity between generations, including ensuring the appropriate preparation for its activities in 2011,
Source: European Public Health Alliance
Council Conclusions (January 30, 2011)