
Monday, November 18, 2013

Germany: Study Reports on Professions with Oldest Workforces

A study has been published in Germany identifying which professions are most affected by the German demographics--those with a higher population of over 65's compared to the under 35's. According to "Berufe im Demografischen Wandel," by the Geschäftsstelle der Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA) sponsored by the Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), the most affected professions are:
  • chemical plant workers, and operators of metal cutting machines (Manufacturing Professions);
  • electrical engineers, industrial engineers, chemists and chemical engineers, physicists, mathematicians, and physics engineers (Engineering and MINT Professions);
  • nurses, nursing assistants, midwives, educators, and child care workers (Healthcare Professions); and
  • bankers, and bookkeepers (Business/Commercial Professions).
In all four investigated occupational groups, according to the reprot, between the years 1993 and 2011, the proportion of employees who are older than 55 years increased. Part of it had more than doubled. 

See BAuA's website for other information about demographics and working in Germany. Also, see the University of Rostock's Work and Age Project.

Sources: Mkenya Ujermani "Professions with an Aging Workforce in Germany" (November 18, 2013); Wirtschafts Woche "Demografischer Wandel trifft manche Berufe besonders hart" (October 24, 2013); INQA Press Release (October 24, 2013)

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Malaysia: Research Finds Older Workers are Competent, Performing Well and Are Trainable

In an article published in Employee Relations, Junaidah Hashim and Saodah Wok, both from the International Islamic University Malaysia, report on their investigation of the competence, performance and trainability of older workers of higher educational institutions in Malaysia. According to "Competence, Performance and Trainability of Older Workers of Higher Educational Institutions in Malaysia," based on the assessments made by the older workers themselves and their superiors, older workers are competent, performing well and are trainable. However, the administrative older staff were rated lower by the superior as compared to the academic older staff.

The authors suggest that "the study provides valuable insights into considering of revising the retirement age of academician in higher education sector even higher. Age seems to be an advantage to this group of employees."

Source: Employee Relations Journal Abstract (2013)