
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hong Kong: Flexibility Seen as Key to Retention of Older Workers

According to a survey conducted by Regus, 86% of respondents in Hong Kong see flexible working a critical factor in keeping older, experienced workers in the economy, as compared to 84% worldwide. Regus reports that, according to population projections by the Hong Kong SAR Government Census and Statistics Department, one in five Hong Kong people will be aged 65 or above by 2023. In addition, it notes that, in 2014, the Hong Kong SAR government extended the retirement age of newly hired civil servants from 60 to 65 to tackle the problem of an aging population and a shrinking workforce.

The key findings of the research show that:
  • 81% of respondents globally, 88% in Hong Kong, 94% in Taiwan and 92% in Mainland China think that governments should increase employees’ awareness of their right to work flexibly;
  • 86% of respondents globally, 87% in Hong Kong, 91% in Taiwan and 94% in Mainland China believe that governments should be promoting flexible working by offering firms tax incentives that encourage it;
  • 88% of respondents globally, 92% in Hong Kong and Taiwan as well as 94% in Mainland China confirm that flexible working is key to keeping those who care for a relative in employment so that they can better juggle the demands of their family and their professional life.
Source: Regus Press Release (June 27, 2015)

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