
Friday, November 05, 2010

United Kingdom: Study Shows Offshore Workers are Getting Younger

In a sign that concerns about an aging workforce in the energy sector may be receding, Oil & Gas UK has released a report showing that, for 2009, the average age of offshore workers is 40.4 years old--the lowest since the industry body began compiling this data in 2006. According to "Oil & Gas UK Workforce Demographic Report 2009," there is also evidence of much younger workers taking up positions in key areas, with, for example, increases in the numbers of 18 to 23 year olds and 24 to 29 year olds working in areas such as deck crew, drilling, electrical, management, production, rigging and scaffolding.
Oil & Gas UK’s health, safety and employment issues director, Robert Paterson, said: “Oil & Gas UK’s latest offshore workforce demographics report highlights some very positive findings indeed.

“It’s encouraging to see evidence of not only the youngest recorded average age of offshore workers but more and more young people under the age of 30 taking up important skilled jobs in key areas of the offshore industry.

“I think we can now put the myth to bed that the North Sea and wider UKCS has an ageing workforce."
Source: Oil & Gas UK Press Release (November 4, 2010)

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