
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Microsoft Launches 21st-Century Skills Initiative for European Workers, Including Older Workers

Microsoft Corp. has announced a 21st Century Skills for Employability initiative in Europe. This is part of a European Alliance on Skills for Employability, which is providing access to skills training, content provision, and certification for underserved communities, including older workers. The alliance, with other companies such as Cisco Systems, is being created to help better coordinate industry and community efforts to improve the employability prospects of young unemployed people, people with disabilities and older workers. The alliance will work to provide technology access and ICT training to 20 million people in the next five years. According to Günter Verheugen, vice president of the European Commission in charge of Enterprise and Industry, “[r]aising employment is the most effective way to generate growth and promote social inclusion. The challenges posed by an aging population make the modernization of social protection systems and the promotion of a life-cycle approach to work all the more important.”

Source: Press Release Microsoft (January 31, 2006)

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